Grower Series, Dickie Brothers Orchard - 2021

Grower Series, Dickie Brothers Orchard - 2021


This series focuses on expression of single orchard ciders.

75% Virginia Winesap, 25% Black Twig

Orchard Site
Dickie Brother’s Orchard - Roseland Virginia, 1050’ elevation. Nestled in the eastern foothills of the Blue Ridge, the Bruguiere family runs one of the state’s oldest continuous orchards with family ownership dating back to the mid-1700s.

Both varietals were picked in early to mid October and sweated at cellar temperatures until early December. 3/4 of the fruit was directly pressed to a stainless steel tank where an uninoculated native fermentation began. Eight days later the remaining fruit was divided between being directly ground into the fermenting tank and the other portion ground into plastic tanks for an extended cold soak. After a week of macerating, all fruit was pressed to a combination of neutral 228L barrels and a 500L puncheon. Primary fermentation dragged out into late spring of 2023 and the resulting cider sat undisturbed until being racked off its gross/fine lees in early October of 2023. The resulting cider was bottled sparkling via the traditional method and left undisgorged. No SO2 was added at any stage of this cider.

Much like our other original ciders dating back to 2018, Dickie Brothers features a continued evolution in approach and resulting profile. 2020 was the first year we adjusted our extended maceration, introducing ground apples to the tank of fermenting cider only when it was producing enough CO2 to protect oxidation of the solids. This year we expanded on that concept, reserving a portion of the ground apples for a simultaneous extended cold soak for close to a week. These efforts combined with a robust vintage yielded a more powerful and complex bottling. The deep, red fruit qualities resulting from maceration intertwine with a savory and layered sense of exotic wood. As usual, this cider will slowly develop in bottle with aging capacity.

80 Cases Produced, Alc. 8.4% by Volume, 500mL

*Available for shipments in Virginia & Washington DC OR pick-up at Oakley Farm. Ship to other states here. Shipments may be delayed based on temperatures.

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